This is one I’ll have to think about for a while. I appreciate your exposition of these three thinkers and their approach to suffering, life, and death. My gut reaction is that I didn’t find their approaches especially compelling. In a way it does feel like a group of individuals sadly suffering from a depression that colors their outlook and absolutizing and projecting their state of mind onto the world at large.

I don’t mean to trivialize the subject, and certainly not your excellent breakdown of the substance of their arguments. It just seems that some vital components of a much larger and more comprehensive view and approach to the same questions are absent from their reckoning.

I’ll sit with this uncomfortable subject for a while before commenting further. But thank you for your elucidation of this subject.

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Thanks, that’s exactly why I wrote it—to stoke those uncomfortable embers and offer a different view for consideration. It’s not meant to be an easy topic, but rather one that provokes reflection. It was certainly a challenge to put myself into the position of a Hegesiac. I appreciate you taking the time to sit with it, and I look forward to any further thoughts you may have once it’s had time to settle.

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